Driver Improvement / DEFENSIVE DRIVING

8 - Hour, One-Day Driver Improvement Class - $75.00

After passing this class, you can receive up to 5 positive points to improve your driving record! Choose Hampton Roads Driving School and work with our 3 - Time Award Winning Instructor, H.B. Parker.


  • Your information is typed into the Virginia DMV that day!
  • Classes will include free breakfast and a lunch break at noon
  • Official Certificate is provided the day of class 
  • Walk-ins welcome on day of class. (If seats are still available.)


Driving School — Police Giving Ticket To The Driver in Virginia Beach, VA


 Walk-ins are welcome providing there is space available. 

However, to ensure a seat,

we recommend you register in advance. 

April 6


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Virginia Beach

April 19


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Virginia Beach

May 4


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Virginia Beach

May 18


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Virginia Beach



  • Virginia Beach location - 2955 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 - Between Rosemont Rd. & Lynnhaven Pkwy 



Please call Hampton Roads Driving School at          757-486-8636 or email us your name, number, and date you want to sign up for at .

The only thing you have to lose is points!

Stop racking up costly demerit points on your driving record!

Demerit points are assigned each time you commit a traffic violation. Demerit points are reported to insurance companies. Excessive demerit points will cause your insurance costs to increase. Too many demerit points within a certain period can result in a loss of driving privileges. Safe driving points are earned through a full calendar year of holding a valid license and driving without any violations or suspensions. Safe driving points are also earned from completing a driver improvement class.

By taking our driver improvement class, you can reduce the number of demerit points you have accumulated. You will receive up to 5 safe driving points after you have successfully completed this class. Some people are required by DMV to take a driver improvement class.

 Many drivers wish to reduce their current points in an effort to improve their driving record. A good driving record is a direct reflection in the amount of your car insurance premiums. Hampton Roads Driving School is certified by DMV and National Safety Council.

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